Science Games Kindergarten

Push And Pull Monters

All of the candies are all mixed up and need to be put back into their correct candy box. The objective is to drag and drop the correct Push or Pull monsters to Push or Pull the candies back to their correct box

Dino Demolition

Lucy The Baby dinosaur needs to get to her mom, but there are large boxes in her way. The objective is to knock over the large boxes by pushing the circular rock with the right amount of forces

Cookie Monster Sun Baker

The Cookie Monster is hungry, but all his cookies aren't at the right temperature. The objective is to place the cookie into the sun to heat up and place the cookie into the shade to cool down

Waste or Conserve

YMolly The Moose needs your help in reducing the impacts of humans on natural resources. The objective is to follow the directions on each level to help Molly

Severe Weather Alert

Windy The Weather-Lady needs your help in identifying and mapping severe weather. The objective is to follow the directions on each level to help Windy

Zoo Shade Builder

The Animals have just arrived at the zoo, but the zookeepers haven't built any shelters for the animals to live. The objective is to help the zookeepers to make shelters that meet the needs of each animal

Weather Weasel

Willy The Weather Weasel forgot how to track the weather. The objective is to help track the weather by dragging and dropping the correct weather picture and adding it to your calendar

I Spy Environmental Changes

Did you know that plants, animals, and humans all change their environment to meet their needs, such as shelter, food, water, and protection? The objective is to spot the differences in each nature picture

Living Thing Shopping

The living things don't have the correct supplies to survive. The objective is to help Steer Marco the Monkey's cart with your arrows to collect all the needs for each plant and animal

What I Need And Where I Live

Koda The Koala is trying to help her different animal friends get what they need. The objective is to help Koda shoot down the items each animal needs to survive

Science Games Grade 1

Baby Needs

The baby animal needs something. The objective is to help the mommy animal figure out what the baby animals need and give it to them

Builder Bat

Bree The Bat lives one mile away from her friend Ernie The Eagle. Bree wants to play with Ernie, but can't call him because he doesn't have a cell phone. The objective is to build a device using the items on your screen to help Bree get Ernie's attention using light or sound

Big Little Memory

Help the baby animals find their parents. Click two cards to match them. You only have 3 seconds to look at the card before it flips back over

Light For Lulu

Oh no! The lights went out at Lulu The Leopard house! Lulu can only see when there is light. Help Lulu find all the balls in her room using the flashlight

Looney Labeling

Someone took all of the items out of Anna Axolotl's boxes. The objective is to help Anna sort the items back into their correct boxes based on the item's color, size, and texture

Mirror Mania

Gloria The Glowworm wants to help friend Lily Lizard read her book using the light from her thorax, but there are objects in the way. The objective is to click each object to learn if it is opaque, translucent, or transparent

Monster News Network

Milly Monster wants to become a newscaster. Monster newscaster tells each monster when it's safe to be outside and when to stay inside. The objective is to help Milly pass her newscaster training and give her first news broadcast

Monster Music

Max and Maggie Monster want to make a band with their friends. The objective is to follow the instructions for each level to form a band and play a concert

The Key To Survival

Toby is stuck in a haunted mansion and trying to escape, but there are locked doors in their way. The objective is to select the key with the correct answers to each question and unlock the doors and help Toby Escape

Tracking Daylight

Allie The Alligator is a scientist and wants to track the daylight throughout the year. The objective is to help Allie with her observations

Science Games Grade 2

Looney Labeling

Someone took all of the items out of Anna Axolotl's boxes. The objective is to help Anna sort the items back into their correct boxes based on the item's color, size, and texture

Rebuilding Blocks

The objective is to drag and drop the square blocks from the old building to make the new one

Plant Growth

Plants need sunlight and water to grow. We need to set up living conditions for them. Let's Learn to grow some plants

Materials And Their Properties

Learn about different natural materials and man-made materials and their properties

Floating and Sinking

Learn about the concept of floating and sinking by this interactive fun game

Animals Life Cycle

Learn about the different animal's life cycles by this fun interactive game

States of Matter

. The matter is anything that has weight and taken up space. The matter is all around us. Three common states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. Learn more about the states and properties of matter by this interactive game

Water and Landbodies

Learn about different water bodies and landforms by this interactive game

Sources Of Water

Water is a precious natural resource. All living things need water for their survival. Learn about the different sources where we can get water from by this interactive game

Bee The Pollinator

Fiona The Fox is an expert gardener and beekeeper. She has very interesting tasks for you to tell you about bee pollination